樱花荔枝气泡水Sakura Lychee Fizz

  • Prep Time
    30 Mins
  • Cook Time
    20 Mins
  • Type
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    Step 1

    提前制作樱花荔枝冻;将其中5克的果冻粉、1汤匙樱花粉和50克糖混合,备用。Make the sakura lychee jelly in advance: Mix 5g of jelly powder, 1 tbsp sakura powder and 50g sugar together and set aside.

    Step 2

    倒入350毫升的沸水内,小火慢煮至完全溶解,离火;接着从罐头荔枝中,取出3汤匙的糖浆,和果冻液混合。Pour 350ml of boiling water into the mixture and cook over low heat until fully dissolved. Remove from heat. Then, take 3 tbsp syrup from the can of lychee and mix it with the jelly liquid.

    Step 3

    剩下的5克果冻粉,依照作法1&2的方式,先和砂糖混合再煮成原色果冻,倒入容器,放入雪柜内,冷冻至凝固。Mix the remaining 5g of jelly powder with sugar according to steps 1 and 2, and cook it into plain-colored jelly. Pour it into a container and freeze until set.

    Step 4

    将作法3各切成小丁后,混合备用。Cut the jelly from step 3 into small cubes and mix well.

    Step 5

    将罐头全颗荔枝,切成3-4小片(或保留全颗),连同糖浆(可依喜好增加甜度)和作法4混合备用。 Cut the entire can of lychee into 3-4 small pieces (or leave them whole) and mix with the syrup (sweeten to taste) and the jelly cubes from step 4.

    Step 6

    准备透明玻璃杯,将作法4的荔枝冻舀入放入杯内,加入冰块和泡过的盐渍樱花,倒入适量气泡矿泉水,即可享用。Prepare a transparent glass, scoop the lychee jelly from step 4 into the glass, add ice cubes and salted sakura, and pour in an appropriate amount of sparkling mineral water/soda water. Enjoy!
